Powerful word "WHY"

Start with "WHY"! Ask yourself, ask others, question everything with the word "Why"? Why is there a problem? Why would they play our game? Why is something so popular? Why at this time? After WHY there are HOW, WHAT, WHEN, and WHERE. But the "WHY " first approach, can open many doors and spread the perception of the problem. When asked why books Jeff Bezos said: Anybody can sell a book! - you don't need a selling skill to sell a book, the product itself is desirable All around us are the success stories that began when someone asked why and kept asking why. Science, Medicine, and Engineering use that word more often than others, they have to. Why? Questioning someone's research, study, and method must involve the word why to conclude. "People don’t buy what you do; they buy why you do it. And what you do simply proves what you believe." -Simon Sinek By nature, why is within us from the beginning. Look around and pay attention t...